Curriculum Overview

Newcomb offers a wide range of opportunities for learning to our students at all year levels.
Our Middle-Years Programme (Years 7-8) cover a range of the required learning areas, including English, Humanities, Mathematics, Science, Arts, Technology, Physical Education and Health, and LOTE (Indonesian).
In Years 9 and 10, students continue to study the core subjects, but also choose from a range of other subjects that are related to the Key Learning Areas, but may focus on specific topics. Many of these subjects combine students from Years 9 and 10, and run to a two year programme, meaning students can do the subject for two years without repeating the same content.

Also at Year 10, students have the opportunity to undertake a school-based apprenticeship, and in some cases can begin undertaking a VET course in conjunction with their other subjects.
Year 11 and 12, students can choose either VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) or VCE-VM (Victorian Certificate of Education - Vocational Major), VPC (Victorian Pathways Certificate) and they also have the chance to undertake a School-Based Apprenticeship and/or VET course.