By Alisha Greenwood
Conveyance Allowance Program
Applications for Term 1 close Friday 12th March 2021
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance to help families in rural and regional Victoria with the cost of transporting their children to their nearest appropriate school/campus.
To be eligible to claim the Conveyance Allowance, students must:
- attend their nearest government or non-government school/campus appropriate to their year level at which admission is permissible
- be enrolled at a school/campus outside Melbourne’s metropolitan conveyance boundary
- reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from that school/campus attended
- be of school age (5 to 18 years old at time of application) and reside in Victoria.
Application Process
Step 1 Complete PTV School Student ID and Student Pass Application Form
(including student photographs)
Step 2 Bring completed PTV form to the General Office so that it can be stamped
and signed
Step 3 Take PTV form to nearest manned train station to have card made. Whilst at
the station, purchase either a half-yearly or yearly Myki pass and obtain a
Step 4 Complete Form 3: Conveyance Allowance application - Public transport travel
and return to the General Office with Myki receipt
Step 5 Reimbursement will be made to families in June and December
Any queries regarding this can be made through Mrs. Greenwood at the office 5248 1400.