From the Principal Team
College Council
The March meeting of the Newcomb Secondary College Council will take place this Thursday evening – at school. The meeting schedule will also feature the Annual Reporting meeting and the election of office bearers for the new council year.
All passengers including students on public transport, school and charter services are required under the Victorian Health Directions, to wear a mask when traveling, unless they have a legal exemption or are under the age of 12. This requirement helps keep both drivers and passengers safe.
Mr Phil Honeywell, Principal
Mr James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Mr Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal
P-TECH Bulletin
P-TECH Welcomes New Partner
A big welcome to our brand new partner - IXL Metal Castings

Located in South Geelong IXL Metal Castings offer a wide range of products from their on-site foundry. They specialise in pattern making, moulding and metal castings to name a few.
Keen to support students with an interest in Engineering (fabrication) this could be an opportunity for students interested in a career in this field.
Welcome on board IXL Metal Castings - it’s exciting to have you join our program.
Ms Hunter
Sports Report
By Mr Peter Currie
Interschool Year 9&10 Volleyball
Boys team undefeated 3 wins 0 losses. Girls Team 1 win 2 losses
The intermediate volleyball teams competed in the Geelong interschool championships on Friday 12th March. Both teams performed extremely well.
The girl's first game was against the eventual premiers, North Geelong. They lost the first set but rebounded and nearly pulled off a win in the second set. Their second match was against Lara who they beat comfortably and then went one set all against Geelong. The countback decision went to Geelong by three points.
The girls team was Phoebe, Dakota, Grace, Tiarla, Millie and Eloise.
The boys did exceptionally well due largely to their training sessions in the lead-up to the tournament. Best server overall was Noah whose serves were fast and low over the net. Best digger was Jesse who made some great low down saves, and the best setter was Lachlan.
They beat Lara in three sets, Bellarine in two and Geelong in two to finish the tournament undefeated. With three wins they would have made the grand final, but had to disqualify themselves, as some of the team had played seniors two weeks ago. The local rules state that a player can only play in one age group for a particular sport.
The boys team consisted of Jesse, Jack, Alex, Lachlan, Ayden, Max, and Noah.
Mr Currie
By Ms Famie Needham
GROW Excursion
On Friday the 12th of March year nine attended ACMI at Federation Square in Melbourne. The excursion was to launch the Virtual X unit of work for GROW, offered through the Geelong Tech School. ACMI is the client and the students respond to the design brief as set out by them. The students attend the Geelong Tech School for two days as part of this unit of work where they will use Tiltbrush VR to create a virtual world for the ACMI exhibition. We can’t wait to see the end result!
Music Team Report
Music Department
Year 8 Music Students Visit Primary Schools
During Week 7 & 8 - Seven Year 8 students visited Leopold, Moolap, Whittington and Newcomb Park Primary Schools with Mrs Stabryla, Mrs Bourke and Mr Crowther to give a talk on the Classroom music and Instrumental music Programs and College Bands at Newcomb Secondary College. Congratulations to Zakk Osborne, Scarlett Johannesen, Jayda Warren, Izzy Kent, Cameron Riley, Jacob Melbourne and Bryar Terrill on their excellent presentations and musical performance at these schools.
Open Night – Cold Fusion – SAVE THE DATE
Cold Fusion will be performing at the College Open Night on Monday March 29th. Students will be required to be at school by 5.40pm readying to perform around 6.10pm.
Senior Concert Band Tour - August 23rd to 27th
All Senior Concert Band members have been given and emailed (through their College email account) information on the Senior Concert Band Tour. If band members or parents have any queries, please contact Mrs. Stabryla asap. If students are not participating in the tour, they need to return the form to Mrs. Stabryla.
Band Uniforms
Senior Concert Band – Male and Female - Long black dress pants, (not jeans or cargo pants), long sleeve white shirt with collar, College band tie – purchase from Mrs. Stabryla, black socks, black school shoes, College jumper, jacket, VCE top.
Cold Fusion/Blues’n Jazz – Same as Senior Concert Band with a black shirt instead of white.
Intermediate Concert Band - School Uniform.
Junior Music Camp – Wednesday August 11th to 13th at Airey’s Inlet
The Junior Music Camp has 50 places available for Year 7 & 8 Instrumental music students. Letters have been given to Year 8 students and will be given to Year 7 students towards the end of term 1 regarding this camp.
The form regarding participation in the Junior Music Camp must be returned to the music staff or general office asap, if your child wishes to have their name put on the list to be selected for this camp.
Senior Concert Band Rehearsal
Creative Writing Incursion
Students in the Year 9-10 Creative Writing elective had a special visit from two Newcomb Secondary College alumni last week, where they learnt about being a professional writer.

Newcomb alumni Caroline Milburn (Class of 1978) and Wes Cusworth (Class of 1982) were both journalists during their careers. Caroline worked at The Age for many years, while Wes would be well-known to regional audiences as the WIN News sports presenter.
Wes and Caroline told us about their career journeys. They both became teachers in their early careers, before discovering a passion for journalism. Caroline is now CEO and co-founder of Ourschool, and Wes wears a few hats including marketing director, MC, video producer and ghostwriter of Gary Ablett Jnr’s autobiography.
Students also heard about journalism’s role in society, tips for effective writing, potential career paths for writers and general career advice.
Here are some of the students’ reflections about the incursion:
“I learnt that you might not know what you want to do with your career yet. You might start with a job you don't like but you can change your mind. We also had a turn at writing our own newspaper article and it was hard.” - Navarta Monaghan
“I learnt that writing non-fiction is much harder than writing fiction.” - Cody Englert
“I learnt that writing creative stories is more fun than having to write a true story about someone or something because I get to be as creative as I want instead of having to research everything the person has done.” - Lachlan Novak
“When we had two journalists come to see us, they talked about how they got to where they are now. But it wasn't a straight path. There were lots of different ones leading to where they are now.” - Georgia Johnson
“When the journalists came, they gave us a tip about when writing an article to pretend that we are writing to one person.” - Cameron Stein
Thank you to Caroline and Wes for taking the time to come back to our school and help our students! We reconnected with them through the Ourschool not-for-profit alumni service, which is working with Newcomb Secondary College to build a supportive alumni community.
College Photos
Our annual school photos have been taken and are now ready to order.
Arthur Reed Photos uses an online ordering system where you can view your photos prior to ordering.
On photo day all students received a flyer which includes a code unique to them.
You will require this 2021 code to register online and view your photos.
If you have already registered, you will receive an email or SMS from Arthur Reed Photos with a link to view your photos.
If you have not yet registered, please go to and enter your code to complete your order.
If you have misplaced your registration code, please contact the Arthur Reed Photos customer service team directly on 5243 4390 or
Please note that you will need to register online with your 2021 photo code to gain access to this year’s images.
All photo packages are being sent home in 2021, so please ensure that you enter the correct details and nominated shipping address upon checkout.
If you require any assistance ordering your photos, please contact Arthur Reed Photos directly on 5243 4390 or email
By Ms O'Brien
Group |
Date |
Cost |
Consent & Payment |
Years 9 - 12 |
Industry Highlights Live stream event from home |
Wed 17 March 4.30 – 5.30pm |
Consent online To receive link |
Koorie students |
Narana Cultural Centre |
Thu 18 March |
Consent DUE NOW |
94GROW |
3D Modelling Geelong Tech School |
Mon 22 & Tue 23 March |
Consent DUE NOW |
Year 9 |
Big Design Day Gordon City Campus |
Tue 23 March |
Consent DUE NOW |
91GROW |
3D Modelling Geelong Tech School |
Wed 24 & Thu 25 March |
Consent DUE NOW |
92GROW |
3D Modelling Geelong Tech School |
Mon 29 & Tue 30 March |
Consent DUE NOW |
93GROW |
3D Modelling Geelong Tech School |
Mon 31 March & Tue 1 April |
Consent DUE NOW |
Year 7 |
Narana Cultural Immersion |
Fri 26 March |
$17.00 |
Consent & Payment DUE NOW |
93GROW |
3D Modelling Geelong Tech School |
Mon 31 March & Tue 1 April |
Consent DUE NOW |
Victorian Chief Health Officer Message
By Prof Brett Sutton
Term 1 is now fully in swing for 2021, which makes it even more important for every Victorian to play their part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We all want Victoria to continue to stay safe and stay open and we want our children to continue to learn at their school.
Recently, we’ve seen some cases of COVID-19 emerge. The Department of Health is doing everything it can to prevent spreading in the community through locating close contacts, continued testing and wastewater monitoring.
Schools have comprehensive COVIDSafe plans in place. This means that schools have embedded the behaviours we learned in 2020 and are well placed to act quickly and respond to any identified risks.
I am confident this is reassuring to families, children and staff.
However, the importance of all Victorians remaining vigilant cannot be stressed enough.
It is vital that we all continue to stay home when unwell, get tested, perform regular hand hygiene, and cough into your elbow if you have to. I remind all staff, students, parents and families to wear a face mask when required and stay at least 1.5m apart from others when practical.
I also encourage you to promote and ensure testing whenever a child or staff member has any symptoms, no matter how mild. Getting tested and staying home until results are known remains critical to limiting the spread of COVID-19.
It is also important to get tested when it is recommended, for example, if you have visited an exposure site.
The symptoms to watch out for are:
- loss or change in sense of smell or taste
- fever
- chills or sweats
- cough
- sore throat
- shortness of breath
- runny nose
Continued vigilance to prevent the spread of COVID-19 ensures that schools remain safe for students and staff.
Adj Clin Prof Brett Sutton
Victorian Chief Health Officer
Community Page
The Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and recreation activities by reimbursing the cost of membership and registration fees, uniforms and equipment. Eligible children may be able to receive up to $200 each. Children must be between 4 and 18 years old and named on a both a health care card and Medicare card.
Find out more here: