From the Principal Team
College Council - Make up of new Council
The March meeting of Council took place last Thursday evening. At the Annual General Meeting, Assistant Principal Mr Scott McLeod presented the 2020 Annual Report. Thank you to Mr McLeod for his work in completing the report.
We thanked the outgoing executive: President: Mr Mick Graham, Vice President: Mrs Cassie Clift, Treasurer: Mr Scott McLeod and Secretary: Ms Alison Woodard. We co-opted Student Leader Hailey Rickard and parent Mrs Cassie Clift as Community Members and also welcomed new parent Ms Geraldine Dafter and new student Riley Cameron.
We then elected a new executive. Congratulations to Mr Mick Graham who was re-elected as President, Mrs Cassie Clift who was re-elected as Vice-President, Mr Scott McLeod who was re-elected as Treasurer and Mrs Alison Woodard who was re-elected as Secretary. In summary, the following people make up the 2020/21 Newcomb Secondary College Council.
Parent Representatives
Mick Graham, Cassie Clift, Maryanne Cleasby, Angela Hancocks, Kerry O’Hara, Geraldine Dafter
DET Representatives
James Murphy, Scott McLeod, Ryan Owens, Phil Walker
Student Representative
Riley Cameron
Community Representatives
Cassie Clift, Remy O’Hara, Ruby-Rose Braddock, Hailey Rickard
Executive Officer
Phil Honeywell
The first meeting of the new Council followed with some discussions on our success with the solar system application, Information Evening and some staffing adjustments for term 2. We also managed to have a look at the new facility developments and approved a number of outdoor education excursions.
Interim Reports and Parent Student Teacher Conferences
The Interim Reports will be available on Compass at the end of Term 1. Parent Student Teacher Conferences will be held towards the end of Week 1 in Term 2. More information will be available in next week’s newsletter.