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Want to give sailing a go!
OutThere Sailing is a fantastic way to get out on the water, make new friends and learn exciting and valuable skills that will help now and in the future. The program is for 12-17 year old’s who have never sailed as well as those who have sailed before. In most cases you will be on the water from day one as part of a group, or with your friends with an instructor close at hand. The aim of the program is to;
- Having fun while experiencing sailing.
- Socialising with friends and making new ones.
- Learning how to sail in an inclusive environment.
- Developing life-long friendships and learning team skills.
Program is offered as a 3hr experience on a Saturday 10am-12pm or a 4 day block 9am to 3pm. For more information and to register visit RGYC website by clicking HERE or email