Library Lunchtime Clubs
By Miss Marshall
* Tuesdays (Weekly): CBCA Shadow Judging Book Club with Miss Marshall - members only at this stage as we prepare to vote for our favourite Older Readers Fiction books.
CBCA Sun Project: Shadow Judging – Young voices welcome here
* Tuesdays (Weekly): Games Club - Board games, movies, karaoke and popcorn!

Joining in and having fun is central to the success of Games Club. Run by Vanessa (City of Greater Geelong) and Ms Noor Al-Assafi (our Newcomb Secondary College Social Worker), we have an outstanding turnout of students enjoying the warmth, friendship and fun in the school library every Tuesday lunchtime.

This week's Games Club 25/06/24 was based on a Disney Trivia Quiz. It was very well attended! Well done to Vanessa (City of Greater Geelong) and Ms Noor Al-Assafi (our Newcomb Secondary College Social Worker) for bringing the students together!
* Wednesdays (Fortnightly): Geelong Regional Library with Ms Laura Farrington and Ms Naomi Ford
Manga, mysteries, trivia games and craft are on the table when Laura and Naomi are visiting from Geelong Regional Library Corporation. Newcomb Secondary students particularly enjoy using their badge maker machine and special activities like Easter, Halloween, Christmas and Idahobit Day crafts. We are very fortunate to be right next door to Newcomb Library where Miss Laura Farrington is the Children's and Youth Services Librarian.

* Thursdays (Weekly): Craft Club with Miss Marshall

* Fridays (Weekly): Crochet Club with Mrs MacArthur