Casual Dress Day for Red Cross
By Talisha Brooker
On Thursday the 27th June (the last Thursday of Term 2) we will be having a Casual Dress Day with a touch of red for the Australian Red Cross. This is for our CLP Project which is our Community Learning Project that we had to come up with and complete as part of the leadership camp that I went on in Term 3 of 2023 (year 9). This will be a gold coin donation for anyone that wishes to come in Casual dress with a touch of red, the gold coins will be collected during period 1. There will also be a donation box set up so if you wish to donate more you can. The money raised from both this and the guess the lolly jar will be donated to the Australian Red Cross. We have chosen the Australian Red Cross to raise awareness for everything that they do, as they are big in the community and helping people to get to where they need after community disasters as well as a homelessness program to help people. The Red Cross is a volunteer program which is where the donations would be able to help them and provide them with more things if they need.
- Talisha Brooker