From the Principal Team
By Mr McLeod

Newsletter- Term 3 Week 3 2024
Newcomb Secondary College House Olympics
Let the games begin! If you are anything like me, you may be a little bleary-eyed this week and no doubt over the next fortnight. Not only has the Paris Olympic Games commenced, but some may say more importantly, the Newcomb Secondary College House Olympics is ‘off-and-running’ (pardon the pun!). Yesterday the Frisbee and Basketball competitions got underway and today the Basketball continues, and the relay also takes centre stage. It is fantastic to see our students completing this great event, an event that was designed and is led by our student leaders. As such, here is a blurb from the student leaders to share with you all:
"Well done to everyone who participated and volunteered on the first day of the Newcomb Secondary College Olympics. Congratulations Yasir Saeed from Harrison who dominated the Frisbee throwing competition, helping to secure 1st place for his house. Keep up the good work and participation in the events. Congratulations to Drysdale for winning against Wills in the first round of basketball, making it to the grand final. Yesterday (Tuesday) there was a house relay, when Harrison and Curlewis competed to secure their spot in the grand final. Please don't forget you can still help support your house by wearing a splash of red, green, yellow, or blue (bow, shoes, socks, scrunchie, full school uniform still required)."
Leaderboard - as of Tuesday 30/07
1st - Harrison with 5500 points
2nd - Curlewis with 3500 points
3rd - Wills with 3000 points
4th - Drysdale 1200 points
Course Counselling
This week we welcome parents and carers into the college to share in their student’s course counselling conversations. These decisions become more and more important as our students progress through their schooling, and we are fortunate to have a comprehensive Course Counselling program in place, led by our Pathways team, to guide and support students with their choices and their decisions. Can I acknowledge all of you who attended our Pathways meeting last Thursday- your investment in your student’s future was evident and I know it means a lot to the students themselves.
Mobile Phone Policy
The roll-out of the amended Mobile Phone policy has been exceptional and the impact on the school climate has been overwhelmingly positive. We thank our students, staff, and the college community for supporting this important revision of the Mobile Phone policy and look forward to our students reaping the rewards of the benefits to their Mental Health, Social Health, Learning and Wellbeing.
This week the policy commences to its full effect, that is we have finished the initial phases of the roll-out and the policy now comes into full-effect. Essentially what this means is that the full set of consequences are in place for students who breach the policy whilst at school. All details on the policy can be found on the following link.
Professional Practice Day (PPD)- Thursday August 1
Please note that this Thursday (August 1) all teachers at Newcomb Secondary College will be participating in their Professional Practice Day (PPD). As a result, no regular classes will be conducted on the day. The day, as part of the current agreement, provides teachers with the opportunity to complete planning and assessment.
Facilities Upgrades- Lockers
Later this week we will be in receipt of 350 new lockers for students. These new and innovative lockers will contain a charging point for students learning devices and a lockable pad for students to place a code in to secure their locker and such belongings. Students should be aware that the lockers will be slightly smaller so are encouraged to determine the items necessary to be stored at school and those not relevant stored at home.
To accommodate the locker installation and transfer of items to the new lockers, students will be asked to take all their belongings home with them prior to Thursday of this week. On Thursday, any lockers with items remaining in them will be cleared and the belongings named and stored in the Student Support offices. On Friday we hope to be able to allocate students to their new lockers however we will be guided by the installation by the builders. The fall-back will be for handover on Monday of next week- please ensure you keep an eye out on Compass for updates.
On a positive note, the Basketball Courts look fantastic as does the new fence line and Bike Shed- check out the pictures below.

Have a great week!
Scott McLeod
Newcomb Secondary College
81-85 Bellarine Highway | Newcomb 3219
T: (03) 5248 1400 | F: (03) 52483532
Creating Positive Futures