COVID Update
The Victorian Department of Health strongly recommends that face masks are worn in indoor settings.
As a result, we are asking all students aged 8 and over and all staff in all schools across Victoria to wear masks when in class (except where removing a mask is necessary for clear communication) from now to the end of winter.
Students will not be required or expected to wear masks when outdoors, and this expectation will not stop student participation in the full range of school activities, including music, sport and performances.
We are asking for your support in explaining to your child or children the importance of this simple step that will help keep our schools as safe as possible.
We also ask that you make sure your child (or children) takes a mask to school (and wears it if they are travelling on public transport) or collects a mask when they arrive at school.
We all appreciate how important it is for students to be back at school. This action will help make sure as many students and staff as possible are protected from COVID and other winter illness.
Thank for your help with this collective effort to keep our communities safe and healthy.
Wearing masks is a simple step we can all take this winter to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases and ensure our schools are as safe as possible.
The period of time when someone is considered a recently confirmed case and therefore exempt from testing and isolation requirements has been reduced from the previous 12 weeks to 4 weeks.
This means that staff and children who are household contacts of people with COVID-19 are now required to undertake the testing and isolation requirements from 4 weeks after completing isolation with COVID-19. Previously, this exemption period was 12 weeks.
After the 4-week exemption period, students and staff members who are a household contact of a new COVID-19 case, must follow the rules for household contacts, including reporting this to their school.
As part of this they must take 5 rapid antigen tests (RATs) over 7 days and receive negative test results and wear a face mask (if over 8 years old) in indoor spaces.
Families and staff will also have to report being a household contact to their school after this 4-week period.

New household contact information:
- You are a household contact if you have spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation or care facility.
- Your household contact period is 7 days.
- You don’t have to quarantine during this 7-day period if you:
- test negative using a rapid antigen test on 5 days of the 7-day period (with tests spaced at least 24 hours apart)
- wear a mask indoors when outside your home
- do not visit hospitals or care facilities
- notify your employer or education facility
- If you do not follow these steps, you must quarantine for the 7-day period – and you are required to get tested on Day 1 and Day 6.
- If you test positive on a rapid antigen test, you must report your result and isolate for 7 days. Visit Reporting your result page for more information.
- Household contacts are also referred to as close contacts.
Rapid Antigen Testing
Testing change:
- from Monday 23 May 2022, it is recommended RATs are used by students and staff when symptomatic.
- It will no longer be recommended that non-symptomatic students or staff conduct RATs twice a week.
- RATs are also required to be used for 5 days if a student or staff member is a close contact of a confirmed case and they are attending or working at a school.
- If your child is not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, they can continue to attend school, but you should monitor for symptoms.
- Students who show symptoms of COVID-19 cannot attend school and should get tested immediately and isolate until they receive a negative result.
- Students who have recovered from COVID-19 do not need to participate in surveillance testing for 60 days after their isolation period has ended.
- For information on symptoms visit:
- For more information on how to get tested visit:
If your child returns a positive result, your child has COVID-19. You must:
- quarantine your child for seven days
- advise the school about the positive result
- Your child must stay home until their symptoms have resolved and they are well
Reporting your child’s positive test
If your child was at school when they were infectious you need to report the positive case through the Student COVID-19 Test Portal or you can notify the school in writing or by phone.
You must also report your child’s positive test to the Department of Health via the COVID-19 Positive Rapid Antigen Test Self-Reporting Form or call centre on 1800 675 398.
Further information for languages other than English
If you or someone you know needs assistance with translating this information, please contact the school office for details of interpreter options.
Financial support available to people affected by COVID-19:
For more information, visit:
Financial and other support for COVID-19 | Coronavirus Victoria
General advice and support
For general advice and support please call the Department of Education and Training COVID-19 hotline on 1800 338 663.
You can also contact the school:
Phone: 5248 1400
Advice and further resources about what to do if you test positive to COVID-19, or you have been told you are a contact, are at: Your COVID Checklist | Coronavirus Victoria, or call the 24/7 Coronavirus hotline on: 1800 675 398