School Wide Positive Behaviour
By Ebony Dedini
Schoolwide Positive Behaviour
9. Be a positive role model for Newcomb Secondary College when in the community. Is our SWPBS "I am proud of my school"
As a member of any community, it is important to model yourself in a way that helps to positively influence and support those around you.
For students at Newcomb Secondary, this is two fold – being influenced and influencing peers. Showing up to school, ready to learn with a positive attitude and being proud of Newcomb Secondary College and all it has to offer in terms of opportunities, will rub off on others and lead to improved success.
Students see and are influenced by the successes and positive attitudes of others students; same age, older and younger. Being influenced by this role modelling helps to positively influence and shape that young person into being their best selves. Having self awareness of how you shape and impact others around you is a necessary skill, not only as you operate as a valued member in your school and local community, but also how you operate as a good friend, partner and parent.
You can make a difference on those around you and help each other in striving to be the best version of you!