From The Principal Team
Facilities Upgrade
We are pleased to be able to announce that Allmore Constructions are the successful tenderer and will be undertaking the facilities work on M Block, C Block and the eastern locker bays. This work will lead to improved Mathematics, Music and Systems Technology spaces. Allmore will begin work on the project by the end of this month and the buildings are expected to be completed by May 2021. We will keep you informed with regular updates on the project’s progress.
Parent Opinion Survey
In 2020, all parents and guardians will be offered the opportunity to participate in the annual Parent Opinion Survey. The survey will be made available to you via a link and personalised log-in code that you will receive shortly. Keep an eye on Compass in the coming days for all the information about this important survey. We certainly value your input and feedback!
Attitudes to School Survey
Students will soon be completing the annual Attitude to School Survey. Information on the survey will be shared with you this week outlining the purpose of the survey and all associated details regarding its administration.
Public Holidays
Please be aware that this week we have two public holidays for which the school will be closed- Wednesday Oct 21 Geelong Cup Day & Friday Oct 23 Thank You Day (previously known as AFL Grand Final Day Holiday).
Mr Phil Honeywell, Principal
Mr James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Mr Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal
School Notices
Public Holidays
Geelong Cup Day | Wednesday 21st October |
Thank You Day (previously Grand Final Day) | Friday 23rd October |
Year 12 Celebration Day
Year 12 Celebration Day 2020
If ever there was a group of Year 12s who needed to let their hair down and celebrate the conclusion of their studies it was the class of 2020. Thursday last week they had just such an opportunity during Celebration Day 2020. Their day started in a similar fashion to a Celebration Day from any other year, toilet rolls, streamers, shaving cream and water pistols featured prominently. Soon enough however, the school day commenced and students assisted with a clean-up of the mess they had made and headed off to class, where their teachers had a fun day planned for them.
Some teachers ran kahoots, others ran party games, more still had prizes and treats. Most students experienced 5 little celebrations as they moved through their classes for the day and the language centre seemed to be filled with mirth and high spirits. Recess and lunch contained more surprises and fun as they were treated to a lolly bar by the wellbeing team and then lunch (Thanks Kath!). The challenges of 2020, rather than preventing the celebration of ending Year 12, enabled for a day that was more inclusive and connected to the classroom experience and classroom than recent years.
Alumni Industry Insights
Industry Insights Q&A – Careers in Building and Construction
Newcomb Secondary College students curious about careers in the building and construction industry are invited to attend a live-stream incursion on Friday 30 October.
The Ourschool Industry Insights live-stream Q&A will feature public high school graduates who work at Multiplex, a global construction firm.
You’ll hear from a project coordinator, site supervisor, trainee site supervisor and services manager. The speakers will talk about their post-school pathways and share valuable insights into their lines of work.
Students will also be able to ask the speakers questions through the live stream’s chat function.
WHEN: Friday 30 October, 10am-11.30am
WHERE: Newcomb Secondary College Library
WHO: This session is aimed at Year 10 students curious to learn more about building, construction, architecture, design, civil or mechanical engineering career pathways. Students in Year 11 and 12 are also welcome.
RSVP: To register your attendance, opt in to the event via Compass or see the office for assistance.
Ourschool’s previous Industry Insights session focused on careers in business and accounting with speakers from global professional services firm KPMG. A recording of this session is now available for students and parents to watch. Please email our Ourschool Alumni Coordinator, Jennifer Chiu, at if you’d like to receive the link and password.

Alumni Scholarship
Scholarship Opportunity
Glover Family Award

Newcomb Secondary College students in Year 11 are invited to apply for a new award set up by a family of past Newcomb students.
The Glover Family Award, valued at $1,000, aims to encourage and support a talented and motivated Year 11 Newcomb Secondary College student to complete Year 12 and pursue an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
The establishment of this award was led by Barney, who studied Mathematics at university and obtained his PhD in 1993. At Newcomb High School, Barney was President and Secretary of the SRC, School Captain, School Dux and Lions Youth of the Year for Geelong, and played school football.
Our Alumni Program Coordinator, Jennifer Chiu, spoke with Barney about the award, his career and pathways in STEM. You can watch the interview here:
Who is the Glover family?
Lynn Glover (Class of 1974), Barney Glover AO (Class of 1976) and Gerry Glover (Class of 1977) are all past students of Newcomb Secondary College. Lynn is now the Chief Executive Officer at the Victorian Regulations and Qualifications Authority; Barney is the Vice-Chancellor and President of Western Sydney University; and Gerry pursued a career in trades and became a long-serving organiser with the Electrical Trades Union.
The Glovers are passionate about giving back to their old school. Newcomb Secondary College’s partnership with the not-for-profit Ourschool alumni program this year allowed us to reconnect with the Glover family and establish this new annual award.
How To Apply:
- Read the FAQs sheet below:
- Fill in the short application form by 20 November:
Ms Chiu
Alumni Program Coordinator
Parent Survey
2020 Parent Opinion Survey
We want our parents to tell us what they think!
The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst all parents. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
All parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous. This year, the Parent Opinion Survey will be conducted prior to Friday 13th November. Further information regarding the completion of the survey will be provided on Compass in the coming week.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in a range of languages other than English.
Please speak to your child’s teacher if you would like more information.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
CSEF (Camps, Sports, Excursion Fund) Term 4 2020
The Department of Education and Training (DET) have changed the guidelines on what the Camps, Sports & Excursion fund (CSEF) can be used for during Term 4 2020.
CSEF funds are normally restricted to camps, sports and excursions. As there has been limited opportunity to undertake these activities this year, CSEF usage has now been expanded further to include technology devices, internet access, voluntary school charges, and text books and stationery. It may not be used for school uniforms, music lessons, formals/graduations or compulsory fees.
Technology Devices and Internet Access
Technology devices can include 2nd hand devices from school (if available) and part or full payment towards a device purchase from the portal or other retail outlet. You MUST find out how much CSEF is available on your account for each student and a receipt from the retailer must be provided before reimbursement will be approved. Please contact the school if you have an inquiry on internet access and how this can be reimbursed.
Voluntary School Charges
Making a donation to Newcomb Secondary College assists in providing extra resources to benefit students. You can choose to use your CSEF to donate to the following Voluntary Contributions:
• Library Trust Donation
• Building Trust Fund Donation
• Communication and Subject Donation
• General Donation
If you choose to make a voluntary contribution to the school you will not receive a receipt for tax deduction purposes as the ATO considers this donation is not directly coming from you. Please contact the school if you wish to make a voluntary contribution.
Books and Stationery
If you would like to use your CSEF to purchase text books or stationery for this year (not 2021). Please contact us and we will work through the process with you.
CSEF can only be used for the student it applies to and any remaining or unused CSEF will roll over to the 2021 school year (except for a Year 12 student, this will rollover to a sibling if applicable, or go back to the school).
I understand that this is a lot of information to take in, so if you have any further queries on this please contact me on 5248 1400 or at
Mrs Field
Business Manager