From The Principal Team
Feedback Focus
Dear All,
As we approach the Term 4 equinox, we shift our attention to individual learning feedback!
Amid all of our unforeseen changes and necessary improvisations this term, the focus on positive learning outcomes has remained. This week, teachers will be updating their assessment records for students, and preparing to share a commentary on how they are faring with their learning – particularly their literacy and numeracy. Students will receive feedback through individual conferencing in classes and also on Compass, and as always, if students or parents/carers would like additional information, they are most welcome to make contact with the school.
Our year of adjustment and innovation continues, and has most recently been evident in changes to our school grounds. Our preparations for some exciting high-tech building developments have meant that students are experiencing changes to their locker locations, as well as entry and exit points around the school. We appreciate the resilience and flexibility that students have shown in response to this, and would reiterate that it is just a matter of weathering some short-term inconveniences, for long term access to some state-of-the-art learning facilities.
With a little over half of this term remaining, we need to continue to embrace all opportunities for learning excellence and personal advancement. We should also continue to model the open-mindedness, positivity and optimism which has so powerfully defined our year to date, despite the challenges faced along the way.
Mr Murphy
Parent Opinion Survey
As previously mentioned, in 2020 all parents and guardians within the school community will be offered the opportunity to participate in the annual Parent Opinion Survey. Last week, you will have received a Compass message notifying you that the link and unique password required for you to complete the survey was forwarded to you via email. Please don’t hesitate to contact Brenda in the Administration office if you have not received your email or if you require support in accessing and completing the survey. We certainly value your input and feedback and thank you for taking the time to complete the survey!
Mr McLeod
Facilities Upgrade
Contained in this newsletter is a map of the college indicating the restricted areas earmarked as construction sites only and the areas of the school site that are permitted for staff and student use. Please note that entry and exit points to the college are altered during the building phase.
a) Access to the College- students
• As noted on the map in this newsletter, students are to access the school internal courtyards via the B-Block Corridor.
• No access is available in or out of the M-Block Corridor and limited access to the C-Block Corridor during the building works.
• Students arriving or departing from the front of the school, must use the external pathway commencing from the zebra crossing along the eastern oval (near the bus port) and following the path towards the school bus sheds, through the temporary gate, past the bike shelter and Hall and into the B-Block Corridor. The temporary gate will be open daily from 8am to 9am and from 2.30pm to 4pm.
Please note that students are not to use the Administrative office for general access before and after school.
b) Access to the College- parents/carers and visitors
• Parents and other community members may enter the school via the Administration Office.
• Students arriving late, or departing the college early, must do so through the Administration Office.
Mr Phil Honeywell, Principal
Mr James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Mr Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal