R U OK Day 2024
By Rennie Collins (School Vice-Captain)
In Week 9 of term three, Newcomb Secondary College held the R U OK Wellbeing Day event, consisting of presentations from the Black Dog Institute, The Smith Family and we even had our school business manager Ms Hanrahan leading a Pilates session. We had fun activities throughout the day, which included throwing wet sponges at teachers and Teachers v Students dodgeball where the students got badly beaten by the teachers. The day ended with the colour run that most students participated in and enjoyed.
We were fortunate to have Kathy, our school canteen manager, make special lunch orders for the day and we were very grateful to have the Geelong City Council bring in additional activities.
I would like to thank all of the student groups who participated in creating an activity including the SLAM team, LGBT Teens, Peer Support, House Captains and other students who really helped contribute to the day.
I would also like to thank all of the teachers for their contributions, specifically Ms McInnes, Ms Allinson and Ms Dedini who all made significant contributions to the day. We would not have been able to do it without them!
This event is one of the many great displays of student leadership in our school. I encourage students to join in student leadership groups next year to be actively involved in planning special events like our R U OK Wellbeing Day. It's fantastic being part of strong student leadership groups that bring about important changes and events such as these.
Additionally, we have feedback forms coming out in the next few days, regarding how you as students thought the day went, or if you didn’t come on the day there is also a form for you to complete.
Please be tuned for details as these will be coming out in the following days.
Thank you
Rennie Collins
School Vice-Captain