From the Principal Team
By Mr McLeod

Newsletter- Term 4 Week 4 2024
VCE Exams
Today marks the commencement of the 2024 VCE Exams. Over the course of the next month, students will be complete their last-minute preparations for and undertake their final exams for the courses. In discussing with the students prior to today’s English exam, I mentioned to them that this experience was one that we have all undertaken in our lives- I wonder if you can remember your English exam experience? We have every confidence that our students will acquit themselves well during their exams, after all they have worked hard throughout this year, and across their entire educational journey to get to this day. I have said to the group previously, and I believe this wholeheartedly, it is not about wishing our students luck, rather wishing them well. A student’s outcome from their exams shouldn’t be the result of luck, it should, and always will be, a reflection aligned to the preparation that comes before today’s experience- each student should be prepared for a result that they deserve and a result that they have worked hard for.
Annual Music Concert
On Thursday night last week, I had the honour and privilege to attend the Newcomb Secondary College Annual Music Concert. I know I mention this every year, however I remain full of admiration for the skills and talents our music students possess- I continue to be jealous of them and disappointed in myself for not taking the opportunity to learn a musical instrument when at school. Each performance sounded excellent, and it was pleasing to see so many in the crowd singing, along, or tapping their feet (some both at the same time!) to the beat. Congratulations to all our wonderful students who performed on the night and a special thanks to our committed and passionate Music team of Ms Burke, Ms Baker-Goldsmith, and Mr Crowther.

Have a great week!
Mr Scott McLeod
Newcomb Secondary College
School Events Calendar
All staff and students | Professional Learning Day - No scheduled classes | Thursday 28th November 2024 |
Year 12 | Graduation Evening | Thursday 28th November 2024 |
Year 12 | Promotions Week (Year 11 into 12) | 25th-29th November 2024 |
Years 8-11 | Promotions Week | 2nd-6th December 2024 |
All Year Levels | Bike Tour - Tour de Alpine | 8th-13th December |
Years 7-9 | Activities Week | 9th-13th December 2024 |
All staff and students | End of Term 4, 2024 | Friday 20th December 2024 |
Graduation Tickets on Sale Now
By Ms Leech
2024 Classes Schedule
Mobile Phone Policy
Bus Travel Allowance 2024
Attendance Matters!
By Ms Demopoulos
We deeply appreciate the efforts of our parents who consistently support their children in attending school and engaging with their education. Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in helping us create a positive and productive learning environment for all our students, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your children and for our school community. Your commitment makes a significant difference!
If you have any questions regarding attendance or require any support or assistance, please contact the school on 5248 1400.
Thank you!
Hannah Demopoulos
Attendance Officer
Newcomb Secondary College
Doctors in Schools Program
By Ms Osborne
Newcomb Secondary College is fortunate enough to have a Doctors in Schools Program running 2 days a week.

We have both a GP, and Mental Health Nurse that attend onsite to run a clinic on a Tuesday and Wednesday. This clinic is for any student in Years 7-12. The appointments are bulk billed, meaning that there is no cost to families.
Appointments can be made by either contacting the schools Wellbeing Team or calling Bellarine Community Health on 5253 0400.
Students may access this service to address any of the following:
- Physical pain or issues
- Health lifestyle (sleep, diet, nutrition, exercise)
- Mental health
- Sexual health and contraception
- Sexuality and gender identity
- Body image
- Scripts
If you would like to know more, please contact Jane Osborne in our Wellbeing Team.
Jane can either be reached by contacting the school office, or via email at
Jane Osborne
Newcomb Secondary College
Student Wellbeing & Engagement
Ph: 5248 1400 |
School Immunisation Catch Up Week
If your child has missed out on their school-based vaccinations, it’s not too late to catch up!
Secondary school immunisations are provided free to students in Year 7 and Year 10.
Catch up for secondary school immunisations is free up to 19 years of age.
Barwon Health Immunisation Service will offer a catch-up week at different venues around Geelong from Monday 25th November to Saturday 30th November 2024.
This is open to any Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 age students up to 19 years of age, who has missed their immunisations at school.
Booking links for the extra sessions:
Barwon Health North:
Tuesday 26th November 3.30pm-6.30pm and Friday 29th November 3.30pm-6.00pm, Barwon Health North,
Thursday 28th November, BASC (Bellarine Aquatic Sports Centre), 3.30pm-6.30pm
Monday 25th , Wednesday 27th, Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November, Barwon Health Vaccination Centre, Belmont
Students can also book in at any of our weekly regular clinics via our webpage:
To see if your child is due for any vaccines, check your child’s immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register using your MyGov account.
If your child is over 14 years of age, they will need to access their immunisation history statement themselves through their own MyGov account or the Medicare mobile app.
Learn more about school-based vaccinations and why they’re important:
Whooping Cough Alert
Whooping cough
Whooping cough cases are continuing to increase across Victoria, particularly among school-aged children. Whooping cough is a very contagious infection, mostly spread through coughing or sneezing. Symptoms include:
· blocked or runny nose
· tiredness
· mild fever
· severe bouts of coughing, often followed by a ‘whooping’ sound on breathing.
Whooping cough can lead to life threatening infections in babies.
If your child is unwell, they should not attend school. Please see a doctor if you or your child develops whooping cough symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment will help reduce the spread of the infection.
Students diagnosed with whooping cough must not attend school.
To reduce the spread of infection and to protect others within the school community, students diagnosed with whooping cough are recommended not to attend school for 21 days after their cough was first present, or until they have taken a full course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor (usually a 5-day course).
If your child is diagnosed with whooping cough, please contact the school to let us know.
I hope we can work together to protect the whole school community by following the recommended advice.
For more information about whooping cough, refer to Whooping cough on the Better Health Channel – see link below.
Vaccination is the best way to reduce the risk of whooping cough. The Department of Health recommends staying up to date with immunisations, including booster doses. A free booster dose of the pertussis vaccine is covered under the national immunisation program for students aged 12 to 13. If you are unsure about your child’s vaccination status for whooping cough, please discuss with an immunisation provider, such as your doctor.
We really appreciate your support in keeping our students safe and well.
For more information, refer to:
- Better Health Channel, for information about whooping cough symptoms, prevention and Victorian eligibility for free booster immunisations
- Increasing pertussis (whooping cough) cases in Victoria
- Local Public Health Units.
Indonesian Excursion
By Ms Ramsay
Last Tuesday our Year 9/10 students got to head up to Melbourne for a fun cultural experience. We went over to the Vic Markets and walked around all the amazing stalls (and bought plenty of souvenirs to take home).
We then walked over to an authentic Indonesian restaurant and had some delicious foods, including nasi goreng (fried rice), krupuk (prawn crackers), beef rendang, and some spicy sambal (chilli sauce).
The students did a fantastic job researching the meals prior to our excursion, learnt how to order using bahasa Indonesia, and tried new foods (with positive and negative results).
Overall a great experience to further our understanding of other communities and showing appreciation to Indonesian culture.
Miriam Ramsay
Indonesian Teacher
Newcomb Secondary College
Homework Club
By Mr Curnick
The After School Homework Club is in Room B2 every day except Thursdays. Students are welcome to attend to catch up on classwork, complete homework, receive individual tutoring or to work with classmates on a group project. They may attend for 15 minutes to sort out just one problem or they may attend right up to 5pm to accomplish a greater amount of learning. Those who attend will be awarded a positive learning chronicle (with reward token) and will be offered food and hot chocolates!!
Mr Curnick
Library Clubs News
The Newcomb Secondary College Library opens at 8.30 a.m. every weekday morning before school and is open every recess and lunchtime (2nd half) throughout the year.
We have a wealth of board and card games and a fantastic number of Clubs running weekly - Monday Clubs include Chess Club (Student-Led) and Circle of Friends Book Club. Tuesday Clubs include City of Greater Geelong 'Games, Trivia and Karaoke sessions' with Ms Vanessa Davis and Ms Noor Al-Assafi. Geelong Regional Library Corporation's Young Adult Librarians run special workshops fortnightly on Wednesdays throughout the year with themed book and craft sessions (Valentines Day, Halloween and Christmas for example). Ms Laura Farrington and Mr Cameron Wilson from Newcomb Library share their love of Manga and Anime with a regular group of student attendees. Miss Marshall's Library Craft Club runs on both Thursdays and Fridays throughout the year (Term 4: Polymer clay jewellery making and Zart Art Paper Magiclay Miniatures with special craft ideas for events like Halloween and Christmas).
Library Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
*Open from 8.30 - 3.30 p.m.
*Open at Recess
*Open 2nd half lunchtimes (reading/board and card games/clubs).