Issue 35, 2020
24th November, 2020
From The Principal Team
Professional Learning Days
Thursday November 26 & Thursday December 3
Professional Learning for Newcomb SC staff is of high importance to equip and enable the college to provide and deliver the most appropriate support, and most current teaching and learning strategies to complement our wide range of student programs and ensure positive student learning outcomes. As a result, school council has approved Newcomb Secondary College to conduct two Professional Learning Days on the next two Thursday’s (November 26th & December 3rd - both days will be student free days) to invest in progressing our targeted college teaching and learning agenda’s largely focussed around ‘building positive futures’. Specific areas of development will include a focus on Numeracy, Assessment & Reporting and Student Voice & Agency.
Whilst we are conscious of the impact on the community of two student free days in quick succession, it should be noted that school council approved the request from Newcomb Secondary College to postpone the June Professional Learning Day as the aim was to prioritise the return of students onsite at that time due to COVID-19 restrictions easing. Consequently, we now have two Professional Learning Days in close proximity however this will allow the college to suitably progress our school agendas to therefore enable 2021 to look and feel more like a normal school year right from day one.
Thank you for your continued support!
College Council
The November meeting of the Newcomb Secondary College took place on Thursday evening. Among the items discussed were the end of year events, the present building program and the opportunity for other supporting projects in the coming months. We also discussed the 2021 Tutor Program, approved the ‘Tour de Surf Coast’ Bike Tour and the two upcoming pupil free days. In regards to the end of year events, we will prioritise the Grade 6 Transition and the Year 12 Graduation to make these events as comprehensive as possible within the COVID guidelines. Therefore the Celebration Evening will not take place at GPAC and we will look at alternative ways of recognising individual student achievement. More details on these events will be communicated in the near future.
Mr Phil Honeywell, Principal
Mr James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Mr Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal
Tour de Surf Coast
Hi all,
Arrangements and preparation for this years’ Covid bike tour – “Tour de Surf Coast” are progressing really well.
We had a really successful first training session on Monday afternoon. Well done everyone! We had 52 of our 62 participants and I had received direct communication from the 10 students who couldn't make it. (mostly seniors in exams) All our newbies (staff and students) rode really well; in control, using all the calls, formations and tips we have shared. We've got a few little bike issues to work through - (spokes, punctures and a broken rear derailleur) but everyone is basically equipped and ready to go.
By now everyone should have tents (with tent buddies), riding gear (gloves, helmet, jacket sunnies) , and other camping stuff out ready to pack.
We have our second training session on Wednesday afternoon, with the tour starting Monday 30th November.
We have one slight change to the camping locations with Tuesday night heading to Ocean Grove River View Park rather than Barwon Heads.
We are also thrilled to have the generous support of “Team Taylor” again this year. Providing T-shirts and additional funds to take the pressure off families and the school for this year's tour.
Super excited to be heading out for tour in a year we thought was a complete write off!
See you at school first thing Monday.
Mr Unmack – On behalf of the Bike Tour team
Using CSEF For Laptop Purchases
Use Of CSEF To Purchase Computers
We are in a unique position this year where we are allowed to use any Camps, Sports, Excursion Fund (CSEF) leftover funds to purchase a computer, school books or stationery for the student holding the funds. Please contact the office for more information or to find out if you have any CSEF to use.
CSEF can only be used this year to fund computers, school books or stationery. We cannot use it for next year's books or stationery. and it will go back to normal to be used for camps, sports, excursions and activities in 2021.
School Notices
Dear Students and Parents,
With the end of the year upon us, could I please request that all Library Books and Uniting Care text books and novels be returned to the Library by the 30th of November.
If students would like to borrow books over the holidays, please see me in the library to organise.
Many thanks,
Mrs McKiernan

School Notices
Financial Assistance From Vinnies For Back-to-School Costs
With the new school year fast approaching, we know many parents and carers will struggle to cover the cost of essential school items. This additional stress on families is especially difficult for those already experiencing financial hardship.
I am writing to let you know of a wonderful initiative available through Vinnies NILs called No Interest Loans (NILs). A NILS loan has no interest, no fees, no charges ever.
Every year, we help parents and carers on low incomes (in particular those on Centrelink) to apply for a NILs loan of up to $1,500 to cover the cost of essential school items such as uniforms, books, laptops, stationery, school camps, and musical instruments (as well as other essential such as washing machines, fridges, car repairs, medical and dental expenses).
What is a NILs loan?
A NILs loan is a safe, affordable alternative to high-interest payday loans or rent-to-buy leases. It’s not a payday loan or a bank loan but a form of ‘circular community credit'. This means when a borrower makes a repayment to NILs, the funds are then released to someone else in the community. NILs is supported by not-for-profit Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, with funding from the Australian Government in partnership with NAB.
Parents can find out more information about NILs by contacting us on:
03 5229 8829
Parent Webinar
My Future Webinar
Research indicates that parents are the single greatest influence on their child’s education and career decisions. High parental engagement can have a major impact on the young person’s learning.
https://myfuture.edu.au/ is a free online career service that provides resources and tools to help all age groups, including students and parents explore career options and occupations of interest.
Parents and carers are invited to join an upcoming webinar that will demonstrate the free career planning tools available on the https://myfuture.edu.au/
Webinar details
Date: Tuesday 24 November
Time: 11am – 12 noon
Location: online
Register now via the Parents Victoria website https://www.parentsvictoria.asn.au/48-news/latest-news/836-careers-webinar.
Find out more
For more information, contact Parents Victoria via:
• phone: 0413 589 627
• email: office@parentsvictoria.asn.au