Reducing Lateness
By Ms Demopoulos
Daily attendance is important for all students to succeed in education and to ensure that they do not fall behind, socially and academically. Both schools and parents have an important role to play in supporting students to attend school every day and to be at school on time and ready to learn.
When students arrive late, they miss important introductions to the school day, impacting on how they settle into the routines of school and further impacting socially and academically. Our students are committed to attending school every day, arriving on time to each class, and are prepared to learn. Our students are encouraged to approach a teacher and seek assistance if there are any issues that are affecting their attendance or lateness in the mornings. If you would like to speak to someone regarding your student’s attendance or lateness, we are here to help. Please contact the school office on 5248 1400.
Ms Demopoulos