From the Principal Team
By Mr McLeod
Isn’t it great to have some warmth back in the air- it certainly helps put a spring in your step and no doubt improve a person’s sense of wellbeing. And with wellbeing being closely associated with outcomes, the warmer weather and taste of sunshine can only further support our student growth and achievements. If I can make an analogy, I am sure your gardens are out of control at the moment- thanks mostly to the recent dose of sunshine and warmer weather (do you remember learning about photosynthesis?). I know mine is. Our students too are the beneficiaries of the recent weather and thus are growing themselves at a rapid rate- long may it last hey!
This week our Year 9 students embark on their City Camp. The camp is to be held in Melbourne and has an action-packed program across the three days and two nights. It will be an amazing experience for all involved and I look forward to hearing of the stories upon the return on Friday afternoon.
I continue to be impressed with the positive and committed endeavours of our students completing their VCE exams. It is a high-pressure culmination of any young person’s schooling experience, but one that our students can rest assured will be a rewarding experience given the hard work that has been put in over many years of schooling to prepare for this moment.
This week we will also commemorate Remembrance Day, a day early, on Friday. This is an important ceremony where we pause to acknowledge and remember those service men and women who sacrificed to allow us all to live in the world that we live in today. Lest we forget.
Finally, I take pride in how our students and others from Newcomb Secondary College present in the local community. As a school we often receive positive communication from community members noting how impressed they have been following an interaction with Newcomb Secondary College students. It is important that we work together to model to our students the appropriate way to co-exist in the broader community. And in many ways Newcomb Secondary is seen as a leader in our community. To co-exist in the broader community a positive way comes down to meeting community expectations and values. As you are aware, the Newcomb Secondary College values are learning, respect and working together- values that align with our high expectations at Newcomb Secondary College, in the classroom, the yard and in the community. Whether our students are in the local supermarkets, shops, sporting clubs, skateparks, on public transport or in town, with family and/ or friends, we expect that they will continue to uphold our college values and be positive members of our wonderful community.
Have a great week!
Mr McLeod