Interschool Athletic Carnival
By Mr Corey Bell
On the 5th of May Newcomb Secondary Colleges Athletics team competed in the Interschool Athletics Carnival. We had just under 50 competitors compete in the carnival, who showed great grit and determination.
We had some fantastic results including Brodie Cardigan jumping 1.5m at the high jump and taking first place. Additionally, we saw Georga Dunn, Abbie Dunn, Noah Hosking, Mitchell Varley and Dakota Harrington all come first in track and field events. This will see eight students who have now qualified for the next round, at the Western Metro Athletics in Term 4.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff and students, Mr Hill, Ms Hill, Mr Stanley and Ms Amy for assisting on the day. Without all of their help, this day would not be possible. Additionally, I thank Levi Falvey for some fantastic action shots taken at the Carnival, and also to Riley Cameron and Mia Lynch for assisting our staff on the day.
Well done to all students who attended. It was fabulous to see Newcomb Secondary College represented fantastically throughout the day!
Go Seahorses
Mr Bell
NSC Sport Coordinator