From the Principal Team
By Mr Scott McLeod
What an enthusiastic bunch of students we have here at Newcomb Secondary College! It was great to see the active participation numbers at last week’s Athletics Day held at Landy Field. Event numbers were high and healthy competition between the students was evident with many races going right down to the wire!
Like the Summer Sports Day, whole school sport carnivals offer an opportunity for students to have a full school experience, both in and out of the classroom. Carnival days also foster comrade between students in House teams and reinforce our school focus of inclusion and respect.
There was an event for all and many highlights to boot- not just the 100m sprint, but equally the egg and spoon race featured high on the spectacles for the day. Thanks to our parents who attended to support the students. It was great to see you down at the track!
We continue to see the RONE art feature come to life. The experience has been an amazing opportunity and students have embraced the chance to work closely under the guidance of an internationally renowned artist. See below for a ‘sneak peek’ (just don’t tell anyone!) of the work thus far. We can’t wait to see the end product when officially unveiled on 28th March.
School Council Elections
The process for the election of the new College Council is currently underway. Nominations for the four parent, one student and the two staff representative positions closed on Friday 10th March, 2023 at 4.00pm and the list of candidates, nominators and seconders is now displayed at the Newcomb Secondary College General Office.
Feedback, Attendance, Uniform & Good Order
When I was a student (back in the day!), I was told of a quote, that read- ‘There are five important things for living a successful and fulfilling life: never stop dreaming, never stop believing, never give up, never stop trying, and never stop learning’. It was all about ‘consistency and endeavour’ I was told. This year, we have commenced the academic year with this in mind and as we reach the end of Term 1, it is timely to ensure that we stay focussed on what our commitments are as a learning community, and as a school, have been and will continue to be so. It is important that we collectively work at this right up to the end of Term 1, not to let our standards drop!
Feedback- Seek and review learning feedback via Compass Learning Task assessments and comments, End of Term reports (PLQ’s & End of Semester),
Positive Acknowledgements and Compass Chronicle entries, PTS Conferences, SSG Meetings and of course any time you communicate with our wonderful teaching staff.
Attendance- It is not okay to be away! Yes, you may fall ill and should stay home until healthy once again, but time away from school has a negative impact on the wellbeing and learning of students. Why not aim to have your best ever run of attendance at school. It is an easy goal to achieve! Uniform and
Presentation- Be your best self. Always strive to present well. All students are to comply with the school uniform policy and expectations. Ensure uniforms are washed and available each day to wear to school and replace items as soon as practicable (PSW are the Newcomb Secondary College school uniform suppliers).
Good Order and Predictable Routines- A school with consistent learning environments and organised students.
Newcomb Secondary College Good Order
1. Line-up outside classroom before each class with all learning materials.
2. Enter room in an orderly manner, sit and remain seated, and keep devices shut until instructed to open them by teacher.
3. Respect the learning equipment and leave the room in a neat and tidy state.
4. There will be opportunities in class for structured movement directed only by the teacher. At all other times, remain seated for learning.
5. Students must not leave the classroom unless absolutely necessary and only if given permission by the teacher.
6. Only one student will be permitted to leave the class at a time and must only do so with a ‘Pass-out’ card.
Have a great week!
Kind regards
Mr Scott McLeod, Acting Principal
Mr James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Mr Jeremy Sinclair, Acting Assistant Principal