Music Department Report Week 8
By Mrs C Stabryla
Music Students Visit to Feeder Primary Schools
In Week 9 – Seven Year 8 instrumental music students along with the music staff will visit feeder Primary Schools as an introduction to our Year 7 Information Evening.
Senior Concert Band - Performance at Year 7 Information Evening
The Senior Concert Band will be performing on Monday April 3rd, 2023 in the band room. We would like all band members at school, in the band room between 6.00pm to 6.15pm. We will start playing at 6.30pm.
The Senior Concert Band will perform in their band uniform - long black pants (not jeans, not leggings), long sleeve white shirts, all black shoes, black socks, school jumper or jacket and Senior Concert Band Tie (can be purchased from Mrs Stabryla – cost $20.00).
Senior Concert Band Tour
The Senior Concert Band tour has been finalised for Term 3. They will visit Bendigo and surrounding areas from Monday August 21st to Friday 25th. We will be staying at Camp Getaway in Axedale. Cost $340.00 each inclusive apart from personal spending money.
Junior Music Camp
The Year 7 and 8 instrumental music students will be given the opportunity to participate in our Junior Music Camp that will be held at Airey’s Inlet for three days from Monday August 7th to Wednesday August 9th. Expressions of interest from students who wish to attend will be taken early Term 2. Cost $200.00.
Classroom Music Program
Please enjoy the photos of our Year 7 classroom music students playing a very competitive game to help them remember the names of the music notes on the music stave. Classroom music is a lot of fun where students have the opportunity to learn the keyboard, be creative with their musical instruments and other sounds, use a computer music program called sound trap to write their own compositions, study the theory of music and develop their listening skills.
Year 7 Band Programs
The Year 7 Band program will commence towards the end of Term 1 where all Year 7 instrumental music students will start playing and rehearsing together in bigger groups. Currently Year 7 instrumental music students are undertaking lessons with Mrs Stabryla and Mr Crowther.
If you have any queries regarding the music program, please email me.
Mrs Stabryla