From the Principal Team
By Scott McLeod
Orientation Program - Year 7 2023
It was an absolute pleasure to welcome our excited, and a little nervous Year 7’s for 2023 into Newcomb Secondary College on Tuesday. We can all remember our 1st day at Secondary school, a significant moment in any persons life. Yes, it is a time which leaves any young person a little apprehensive, but as soon as you meet your teachers, orientate yourself around the school and begin a class, it is a time you look back at very fondly. The lifelong friendships that come to the fore, the new experiences you enjoy, the many opportunities and growth that is undertaken ensures that it is a time in ones life that will never be the same ever again. The amount of students who in later life come to me and say, ‘wish I was still at school’, would astound anybody willing to listen. It was great to hear the excitement at the end of the day when parents and carers came to collect their Year 7 student, a sign of a successful experience at Newcomb Secondary College for their first day. We wish our new Year 7 students, and all our Newcomb SC students for that matter, a happy and safe holidays and we cant wait to see them all again for the start of a new and exciting Academic year in 2023.
End of Semester Reports
You will notice over the course of 2022, that the presentation of students reports have evolved. This is part of a new and exciting process undertaken by the Assessment & Reporting committee here at Newcomb SC. The Assessment & Reporting Committee is a committee aimed at providing our school community with a report that is more informative, displays growth more easily and offers graphical presentations that can easily highlight trends over time.
Each end of semester report will continue to feature the Victorian Curriculum standards and Capabilities.

Teachers use the Newcomb SC Grading scheme, a scheme with language descriptors tailored specifically for our school when assessing students Learning Tasks.

Teachers also provide information on a student’s learning dispositions, traits and habits, via the Newcomb SC Positive Learning Qualities (PLQ’s)- the PLQ’s capture the school learning areas of ‘Learning, Respect & Working Together’. An example of the PLQ’s can be seen below- note the bars on the graph show the last four entries (one each Term) as a trend over time.

Students have also been provided with the opportunity for Voice and Agency in their learning and this is captured on the reports as their Focus Area and Reflection on the Home Group Reports. The Goals that students elect to work towards come from the Positive Futures Framework (PFF).

Finally, it is important to note that a school experience goes beyond the standard curriculum delivery, thus, we have chosen to highlight each students involvement and participation in extra-curricular learning opportunities such as excursions, incursions, camps, leadership activities, and sport activities.