Welcome From The Office
Welcome Back!
The office staff would like to welcome our families back for 2021. The staff are Kelly, Ainsley, Alisha, Pauline and Brenda. They’re happy to assist you with any administration and finance queries.
Financial Information For 2021
Is Education Free?
We sometimes have parents saying that education is free and they shouldn’t have to pay anything on the family statements sent home. Just to clarify, we only charge for consumerable items (supplies or things that the student consumes during the year or that they take home). An example of this is the student organiser, on-line program fees (which replace text books) and food tech supplies. Excursions, camps and activities are paid for as they come up during the year.
Paying your subject charges and fees allows us to not have to take funds away from other important areas that support your student.
You will have noticed that over the years the amount of text books needed to be purchased have reduced dramatically, that is mostly due to on-line programs. An example of these is Maths Pathways and Edrolo, so instead of a student having to purchase a text book the resources are now on-line and much more effective than just using a textbook.
The Department funds the facilities we use, the staff, and many of the resources used in the school. The Parent Payment Policy is on our website or you can request a copy from the office. This policy is really clear about what we, as a school, can charge our parents.
If you would like further clarification please feel free to contact me.
Family statements were posted home recently. You can arrange a payment plan with me to assist in paying off your charges and fees. This may help relieve some financial pressure and can be as little as $10 a fortnight.
Thanks to our parents who have paid their family account already or set up a payment plan.
If you paid your fees through Campion they may not have come off your statement yet, so please ignore this. As soon as we receive the information from Campion we will adjust family accounts.
CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund) and Conveyance
If you have not applied for either of these and you think you’re eligible please contact the office. Eligibility:
CSEF – Holder of a current Health Care Card
You must reside more than 4.8km by the shortest practicable route from the nearest school
Again, if you have any queries around finance or administration please contact the office team or myself.
Mrs Field
Business Manager