From the Principal Team
Mobile Phones
We would like to take this opportunity to reinforce the Mobile Phone policy guidelines as introduced in 2020 by the National Government in all schools in Australia. The purpose of the policy was to protect students from online bullying, cater for a better learning environment in each classroom and minimise student learning distraction. In short, students are not permitted to have their mobile phone with them for the entire school day from 9.00am to 3.15pm.
To support students with the implementation of the policy, Newcomb Secondary College has provided each student with their own secured mobile phone locker within the school for which students set their own personal secure code when storing their phone in the lockers. Parents and guardians who need to contact their son/daughter are encouraged to do so by calling the Administration office and any messages will be relayed to the student(s) on your behalf.
Equally, students are to be reminded that they are not permitted to use their phone to purchase food or drink at the canteen- again something that students will have to adjust to and find alternate means to pay for their items purchased. We thank you for understanding and support as we work towards implementing the state-wide ban on personal mobile phones in schools.
Mr Phil Honeywell, Principal
Mr James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Mr Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal
2020 Awards
2020 Awards
Whilst Newcomb Secondary College may not have been able to run an Awards Ceremony in 2020, we had all the more reason to give out awards to those who demonstrated excellence in the face of adversity in a variety of ways.
Congratulations To Ruby Bell College DUX

Below is a list of those who received awards at the conclusion of the 2020 academic year.
Any student receiving an award who has not yet picked it up from the front office should do so at their soonest convenience.
Jai Pfarrer-Wells | Outstanding Achievement |
Cody Emmett | Outstanding Effort |
Kiri McLean | Outstanding Achievement |
Hayden Butler | Outstanding Effort |
Zakk Osborne | Outstanding Achievement |
Jake Sherry |
Outstanding Effort and Achievement |
Ellisha Gleeson |
Outstanding Effort and Achievement |
Tyron Shandley |
Outstanding Effort and Achievement |
Daina Graham |
Outstanding Effort and Achievement |
Sienna Campbell |
Achievement in Quick Smart |
Milly Creswell |
Outstanding Literacy Growth |
Travis Bower |
Outstanding Numeracy Growth |
Scarlett Johannesen |
Enthusiasm in ASPIRE |
Wren Collins |
Enthusiasm in ASPIRE |
Nathan Evans |
Visual Arts Potential |
Kira Pearce |
Visual Arts Potential |
Lachlan Welch |
Visual Arts Potential |
Zakk Osborne |
Excellence in LOTE |
Rebecca Warren |
Excellence in LOTE |
Cooper Rowbottom | Excellence in LOTE |
Bella Binks | Excellence in LOTE |
Grace Thomas | Excellence in LOTE |
Hannah Dickinson | Dedication to Applied Learning |
Sarah Giesen-White | Dedication to Applied Learning |
Kyle Mitchell | Dedication to Applied Learning |
Jayda McPhee |
VCE achievement in Science |
Daina Graham |
VCE achievement in Maths |
Lucy Cummings |
VCE achievement in Maths |
Ruby Bell |
VCE achievement in Technology |
Tayla Ambrus |
VCE achievement in Art |
Bianca Merlino |
VCE achievement in SOSE |
Chloe Varcoe |
VCE achievement in HHD/PE |
Ruby Bell |
VCE achievement in English |
Hunter Blackwell |
VET Achievement |
Imogen Caldwell |
SBAT Achievement |
Ethan Mitchell |
First Year P-Tech Achievement |
Tyron Shandley |
Second Year P-Tech Achievement |
Taneal Carroll |
Applied Hospitality |
Chloe Varcoe |
Applied Hospitality |
Remy O'Hara |
Service to SRC |
Jordan Quarrell |
Service to SRC |
Ruby-Rose Braddock |
Kiwanis Support |
Hailee Nollen |
Kiwanis Support |
Ayden Ferry |
Kiwanis Support |
Kasey Fraser |
Kiwanis Support |
Emma Horan |
Kiwanis Scholarship |
Blake Fairfield |
Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship |
Tarni Muir |
Studies in STEM |
Presley Johannesen |
ADF Long Tan Year 10 |
Michael Case |
ADF Long Tan Year 12 |
Caitlyn Wilson |
ADF Stem award Year 10 |
Amber Kenyon |
ADF Stem award Year 12 |
Jordan Quarrell |
School Captain 2020 |
Bianca Merlino |
School Captain 2020 |
Kaysha Pitman |
Deputy Captain 2020 |
Emma Riordon |
Deputy Captain 2020 |
Bianca Grima |
Year 12 Excellence |
Charlotte Ludlow |
Year 12 Excellence |
Kyle Mitchell |
Richard Marles Scholarship |
Luka Binks |
Christine Couzens Scholarship |
Tarni Muir |
Glover Family Scholarship |
Hannah Moyle |
Year 12 Excellence |
Ruby Bell |
College Dux |
Music Team Report
Newcomb Secondary College Band Captains 2021- Congratulations
Senior Concert Band
Nikita Vigar & Elliot Nicholas
Intermediate Concert Band & Junior Concert Band
Zakk Osborne, Jayda Warren & Scarlet Johannesen
Cold Fusion
Amie Hudson & Daniel Loaiza
Blues’n Jazz
Grace Thomas & Raine Warren
Why Teach Music In Schools
There are lots of reasons why we teach music in schools – to us music is a life skill that we aim to share with as many students as possible who attend Newcomb Secondary College.
Some things to think about –
Music is Mathematical – it has a direct relationship to counting and subdivision of note values. – i.e. Numbers.
Music is Historical – often reflects the environment and cultural heritages right across the world from one generation to the next.
Music Is A Foreign Language – 2 ways
- the notation – rest values, music signs and symbols is a unique language within itself.
- All the music signs and terms are written in Italian.
Music is Physical education – You need to be fairly fit to play a musical instrument. Music requires perfect coordination of fingers, hands, arms, lips, cheeks, eyes and facial muscles. It also requires control of the diaphragm, back, stomach and chest muscles. In other words – sit up straight and uncross your legs.
First Senior Band Rehearsal
Year 12 Student Leaders
College Captain's Profile
Name: Paige Bower
Year Joined NSC: 2018
Previous School: Bendigo South East College
Plans Beyond School: Midwifery/Nursing
Something Interesting: I play basketball and guitar
What You Hope To Achieve As A Student Leader: A better school community where everyone's voice can be heard
Name: Sarah Gieson-White
Year Joined NSC: 2019
Previous School: Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College
Plans Beyond School: Working through certificates to become a zookeeper
Something Interesting: Currently in Centre Stage's cast for Legally Blonde
What You Hope To Achieve As A Student Leader: To create a safe and welcoming environment for all students and staff
Vice Captains Profile
Name: Elliott Nicholas
Year Joined NSC:
Previous School: Scotch Oakburn College
Plans Beyond School: Politics and LGBT Advocacy
Something Interesting: I play bass clarinet
What You Hope To Achieve As A Student Leader: More enthusism towards attendance
Name: Hailey Rickard
Year Joined NSC: 2019
Previous School: Stawell Secondary College
Plans Beyond School: Studying social work at university
Something Interesting: I love camping and fishing
What You Hope To Achieve As A Student Leader: To help the school strive for it's best
Welcome From The Office
Welcome Back!
The office staff would like to welcome our families back for 2021. The staff are Kelly, Ainsley, Alisha, Pauline and Brenda. They’re happy to assist you with any administration and finance queries.
Financial Information For 2021
Is Education Free?
We sometimes have parents saying that education is free and they shouldn’t have to pay anything on the family statements sent home. Just to clarify, we only charge for consumerable items (supplies or things that the student consumes during the year or that they take home). An example of this is the student organiser, on-line program fees (which replace text books) and food tech supplies. Excursions, camps and activities are paid for as they come up during the year.
Paying your subject charges and fees allows us to not have to take funds away from other important areas that support your student.
You will have noticed that over the years the amount of text books needed to be purchased have reduced dramatically, that is mostly due to on-line programs. An example of these is Maths Pathways and Edrolo, so instead of a student having to purchase a text book the resources are now on-line and much more effective than just using a textbook.
The Department funds the facilities we use, the staff, and many of the resources used in the school. The Parent Payment Policy is on our website or you can request a copy from the office. This policy is really clear about what we, as a school, can charge our parents.
If you would like further clarification please feel free to contact me.
Family statements were posted home recently. You can arrange a payment plan with me to assist in paying off your charges and fees. This may help relieve some financial pressure and can be as little as $10 a fortnight.
Thanks to our parents who have paid their family account already or set up a payment plan.
If you paid your fees through Campion they may not have come off your statement yet, so please ignore this. As soon as we receive the information from Campion we will adjust family accounts.
CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund) and Conveyance
If you have not applied for either of these and you think you’re eligible please contact the office. Eligibility:
CSEF – Holder of a current Health Care Card
You must reside more than 4.8km by the shortest practicable route from the nearest school
Again, if you have any queries around finance or administration please contact the office team or myself.
Mrs Field
Business Manager
Lawyer In Schools Program
College Photos
College Photos
School Photos will take place on Friday Feb 12 for all students. Students are expected to attend the day well presented in full school uniform and will be called to have their photo taken at some point during the day in the Language Centre. Once again this year, Arthur Reed will be taking the photos.
There is no need to return any forms or money to school.
Unique image codes will be issued to all students on/after photo day. Use this code to register online to view your child’s images. Registration is simple, just follow the 3 simple steps on your child’s personalised flyer once you receive it. Add the codes of all of your children attending this school.
Even if you registered last year, it’s important that you do again this year using your child’s 2021 image code to link their images for the current year with your contact details.
When images are ready to view and in the webshop, all parents who have registered will be notified by SMS and email.
To ensure you are ordering school photos for the current year, please wait for notifications that 2021 images are online before placing orders.
Conveyance And Laptops
Conveyance Allowance Program
Applications for Term 1 close 12th March 2021
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance to help families in rural and regional Victoria with the cost of transporting their children to their nearest appropriate school/campus.
To be eligible to claim the Conveyance Allowance, students must:
• attend their nearest government or non-government school/campus appropriate to their year level at which admission is permissible
• be enrolled at a school/campus outside Melbourne’s metropolitan conveyance boundary
• reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from that school/campus attended
• be of school age (5 to 18 years old at time of application) and reside in Victoria.
Application Process
Step 1 Complete PTV School Student ID and Student Pass Application Form (including student photographs)
Step 2 Bring completed PTV form to the General Office so that it can be stamped and signed
Step 3 Take PTV form to nearest manned train station to have card made. Whilst at the station, purchase either a half-yearly or yearly Myki pass and obtain a receipt
Step 4 Complete Form 3: Conveyance Allowance application - Public transport travel and return to the General Office with Myki receipt
Step 5 Reimbursement will be made to families in June and December
Any queries regarding this can be made through Mrs Greenwood at the office 5248 1400.
In order to best access student software and Internet resources in 2021 students are required to bring their own laptop device for use at school and at home.
Newcomb Secondary College students will have access to a free of charge software suite of over 50 educational titles including MS Office 2016, Virus Protection and a variety of other subject related apps and software. This software will be installed free of charge and will be updated via our school network when logged on as a student.
While at school student devices will access the school network via the school’s wireless connection. Home network and Internet access is the responsibility of the student and their family.
You can purchase your own device, making sure it meets the specifications listed below or use the Learning with Technologies portal (link below). Unfortunately, while we will continue to source 2nd hand laptops for students, we have not been able to and therefore don’t have any at this time.
Both Windows and Chromebook laptops are acceptable for student to purchase.
Minimum Windows Computer Specifications
Recommended Core I5 Processor (or a min. of Celeron Processor)
Recommended 8GB of RAM (or a minimum of 4GB)
Recommended 250GB Hard Drive (or a minimum of 128GB)
Chromebook Specifications
There is no minimum requirement for Chromebooks
Some cheaper devices have a Hard Drive of less than 70GB and are intended for use with Cloud-based storage so are unsuitable as they are unable to have school software installed.
Learning with Technologies Portal
There are several options of Windows devices or Chromebooks to choose from, just follow the link below.
There is an option to use Zip Pay on the LWT Portal. This is an affordable way for parents to pay their child’s device off over 12 months. You need to be earning or receiving $300 in income a month to be eligible and it can cost as little as $37 per month depending on the device you choose.
NILS (No interest Loan Scheme)
Good Shepherd offer a No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) a community focused initiative of Good Shepherd. To apply for a (NILS) No Interest Loan go to: for more details.
Please contact us if you need support or assistance in providing a device for your child, we’re here to help and want our students to be ready to learn with the correct technology. Contact us on 5248 1400 or at
BYOD revised letter 2021 no 2nd hand
Community Page
Public Transport Reminder
Just a reminder that all passengers including students on public transport, school and charter services are required under the Victorian Health Directions, to wear a mask when travelling. This requirement helps keep both drivers and passengers safe.
Geelong Parenting Events

Please click on the link below for further information:
2021 Term 1 Regional Parenting Calendar D20 541627
ASD Parenting Together Support Group - City of Greater Geelong
The ASD Parenting Together Support Group is an online peer support group where parents and carers of children with confirmed or suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can make new social connections, as well as increase their knowledge and confidence in parenting neurodiverse children. For more infoformation visit the website via this link: