College Council
The next Newcomb Secondary College Council will take place this Thursday 17th June in the school Food Technology area. Council information has been distributed to members.
COVID Update
It has been so pleasing to be back on-site at Newcomb Secondary College and to see students adhering to the community expectations on face masks, hygiene, and social distancing. Collectively, we can all contribute to restricting the spread of COVID-19 and ensuring that our peers remain safe. Please ensure that you remain at home should you feel unwell and get tested if you have any signs of COVID-19 symptoms.
School Reports
As you are reading this Newsletter, staff at Newcomb Secondary College are placing the finishing touches on students End of Semester Reports. You and your student will receive the Reports on the last day of Term 2, via Compass. We encourage you to take the time to review the Report, reflect on the learning from Semester 1 and plan attainable goals for continued growth and progress in Semester 2.
Attitudes to school Survey
Last week, all students completed the Attitude to Schools Survey in an extended Home Group session. This annual survey is a valuable tool enabling students to have a voice and provide their feedback on their school experience. The data collected is reviewed by school leadership, teachers and wellbeing staff and allows the college to tailor programs in response to the feedback received. We thank all students for their valued feedback and look forward to working closely with them in making Newcomb Secondary College an even better place to learn!
Building Program
Despite the cold and wet weather of late, it is exciting to see the progress made on the Building works getting closer to completion. We can announce that we have taken possession of the M-Block renovations, that being the Mathematics and Music department classes, band and instrumental spaces. Students will be able to enjoy the new spaces from the commencement of Term 3 when classes are timetabled into M-Block. The redevelopment of C-Block and the construction of the new Multi-purpose auditorium will soon be complete.
School Uniform
It certainly is cold! Winter is definitely here and we all seek to stay warm and dry. Can we please remind students and their guardians that full school uniforms must be worn at all times. The Newcomb SC uniform, as approved by the school council, has many items that enable students to not only look smart, but remain warm and dry. No alternate clothing items are to be worn at school, or too and from school. Non-school hoodies are not to be worn. If any student is having trouble with any uniform items, they should alert Student Support.
Mobile Phones- not to be used for purchasing items at the Canteen
A question we often get asked is why can't we use our phones to purchase items at the Canteen? The answer is actually quite straight forward, black & white. Students simply cannot use their mobile phone whilst at school. For any purpose. As you know, at the commencement of 2020, the Federal Government developed a Mobile phone policy that has been implemented in all schools across the country, to protect our young people from the trauma associated with, and learning impact of, student mobile phone use in schools. As a result, students are therefore only able to use cash or card when purchasing food and drink items at the canteen. Mobile phones are to be secured in each students mobile phone locker allocation for the entirety of the school day.
Phil Honeywell, Principal
Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal
James Murphy, Assistant Principal