Becoming Involved
How can you become involved in your child's school experiences?
Positive connections between home and school are the best way to support a student through their secondary schooling. Too often contact between home and school is left until something is wrong, rather than making sure that things are right.
At Newcomb Secondary College, we do our best to make sure we support our students through their time here, and want to create a partnership between home and school to keep these years as stress free as possible.
The best way to support your child’s learning is to stay in contact with their teachers and know what is going on with the student’s learning. It does not have to be a constant thing, but any questions about students work or progress will be readily answered by their classroom teachers.
We have a school planner where students are asked to write in homework and assignment information. Parents/guardians are asked to check this at least once a week and be aware of deadlines students have coming up. Please make sure that students are bringing this home and taking it to school.
We value your input and would love to see you helping out at the college. You can become involved by -
- volunteering to assist in the canteen preparing and serving snacks and lunches
- volunteering in the school library
- become a member of the Parents and Friends group to assist with fundraising and student support
- become a member of the School Council and help in decision making and school-wide planning
- assist with school production, band, sporting teams, excursions or anywhere else your expertise would be appreciated